Monday, February 2, 2015

{Review} Golden Barrel Baking Products Shoofly Cake Mix

*I received a free Shoofly Cake Mix from Golden Barrel Baking Products in exchange for writing a review on the blog.  All opinions are my own. 

I approached Golden Barrel about trying one of their products and I was given the choice of trying this Shoofly Cake Mix or another one of their products. I was intrigued by this cake mix because I've never heard of a "Shoofly Cake". I was told it was a unique cake that is popular in the Amish area of Pennsylvania so I decided to check it out and I'm so glad I did,

Let me go ahead and say that I've never really been a molasses person, I've only had it maybe twice my whole life so its a bit foreign to me. With that being said, this cake is amazing.  Its super moist and just delicious. My brother and his two friends ate it up! 

The box comes with a jar of syrup and the dry mix so all you need is the butter! There is only 3 steps which makes the whole process even easier. Another awesome thing about this mix is that it's only $2.69! That's roughly the same price as a box of regular cake mix at the grocery store so it's super affordable for such a unique cake.

Overall I give this cake mix a 10/10! Check it out for yourself here


  1. Hey Marybeth :)
    How do you go about getting to try all these new products? This is something I would be interested in.

    P.s. Great blog by the way :)
    Lizzy x

    1. Hey Lizzy! I typically approach the company with an email telling them about my blog and asking if they would provide a product for me to review. I usually send them the link to my blog and my media kit (which you can see at the top of my blog) I got in touch with the affiliates I have by creating an account on Share A Sale. Sometimes you will get rejected but you never know unless you ask! You can send me a message on facebook if you have any questions. Thank you :)
